Sahara Batch Ovens with Heating and Cooling in One Unit

January 4, 2013

1 Min Read
Sahara Batch Ovens with Heating and Cooling in One Unit
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Sahara batch ovens are now available with heating and cooling in one unit. Roughly 80% of the unit shown is designed for heating to 350°F, while the remaining 20% is designed for cooling to 65°F. This versatility allows the batch ovens to be designed to meet any heating and cooling needs. The ovens can also be designed to comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 86 safety standards for Class A ovens that heat flammable materials. The ovens feature adjustable shelves that can be adjusted or removed for any size item that needs to be heated or cooled—from small canisters to 55-gal drums. The ovens also feature five sets of double doors, which is ideal for plants where space is at a premium. Operators also have the option to add more heating and/or cooling sections to the Sahara batch oven as the need arises. Each section simply bolts to the existing oven. Precise temperature control is achieved through the ovens’ controls system, which includes: a thermocouple-actuated, digital temperature controller; motor control pushbuttons; on-off heat switch; LED pilot lights; and adjustable over-temperature control. Available in carbon steel or stainless steel, the ovens are available in a variety of air-flow patterns to suit an end-user’s specific needs.
Benko Products Inc., Sheffield Village, OH 440-934-2180

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