BinMaster Debuts New Video on 3D Measurement Technology

March 26, 2020

3 Min Read
BinMaster Debuts New Video on 3D Measurement Technology
BinMaster released a new video on its 3DLevelScanner. Image courtesy of BinMaster

BinMaster, a designer and manufacturer of solid-state point and continuous bin level indicators, control systems, and sensoring devices used while storing powders and bulk solids, released a new videot his week on its 3D Level Scanner technology. 

The 3DLevelScanner aka the 3D Solids Scanner, accurately measures ingredients used in both human and animal foods. Ingredients stored in silos are notoriously difficult to measure. Powders, granules, and other solids are prone to uneven distribution when added to or emptied from the silo during processing. 3D level sensing technology was created to address these difficulties, bringing volume accuracy to a new level. 

It is the only sensor that measures more than a single point on the material surface, according to the company. Also, it is the only technology that gives food plants, grain elevators, and ingredient manufacturers a 3D image of what's in the silo. BinMaster said the 3DLevelScanner enables purchasing and processing to know just how much they have and what they will need to order.

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