Customized Agricultural Batch Seed MixersCustomized Agricultural Batch Seed Mixers

October 27, 2014

1 Min Read
Customized Agricultural Batch Seed Mixers

Miracle Mixer offers completely customized seed batch mixers, capable of handling a wide range of materials to fit any clientele need, regardless of seed size, weight, and coating. A custom industrial seed mixer blends materials to a 98 percent mixability ratio with 100 percent mixing accuracy and zero damage to materials. These mixers present a range of mixing operations within one unit, from feather meal, silicon sand, sagebrush seed, and switch grass seed. The internal tumble system is designed with a simple, effective straight bar paddle system with customized speed and no sheer points, to ensure a quick and cost-effective mixing time of one to five minutes. Seed mixers are made with common steel or stainless steel materials, resulting in an easy, 100 percent cleanout. Size, shape, and portability are also customizable, ranging from 6 to 400+ gallons.
Tumble Drum Industries, Denver, IA 319-984-5374

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